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- Family owned for 50+ years and still Paddling -
Oak Orchard Canoe Kayak Experts
- Open year round -
Phone Order Hotline (10am-6pm EST) ..................(800)452-9257
email us: oakorchardcanoe@rochester.rr.com
"Waterport Store" (between Rochester and Niagara Falls)
Store Hours: M,W,TH,FR: 10am to 6pm. SAT:10am to 5pm.
2133 Eagle Harbor Waterport Rd
 Waterport, NY 14571

(for gps use Albion, NY 14411)
ph; 585-682-4849
"Welcome to the BIGGEST - LITTLE canoe and kayak shop in the world"
Grumman Canoes

Double Ended


17' Double-Ender -- The legendary 17 footer -- the most recognized aluminum canoe ever built..
Model Length Beam Ribs Center Depth Keel Max.Wt.
Hull Wt. lbs./Gauge
G1750C 16' 11.75" 36.125" 3 13.125" standard 755/660 5 75 lbs. 0.050"

15' Double-Ender -- The 15 foot double-ender offers excellent maneuverability on the water as well as a hefty 650 pounds of total weight capacity. These traits combined with a lighter hull make it an exceptional choice for camping, backpacking, or just about any canoeing situation.
Model Length Beam Ribs Center Depth Keel Max.Wt.
Hull Wt. lbs./Gauge
G1550C 15' 5/16" 35 1/16" 3 12 1/8" standard 650/555 5 69 lbs. .050"

13' Double-Ender -- The 13 footer is perfect for an afternoon's paddling at the lake. Weighing in at just 58 pounds, it's the lightest two person canoe Grumman builds, making it a favorite with single handlers to launch and load.
Model Length Beam Ribs Center Depth Keel Max.Wt.Cap.
Hull Wt. lbs./Gauge
G1350C 13' 1/2" 35 1/8" 3 12 7/8" Standard 585/545 3 58 lbs. .050"

Square Stern

The 16 foot Square-Stern -- The 16 square is ideally suited for use with smaller outboards or trolling motors.
Model Length Beam Ribs Center Depth Keel Mx.Wt.Cap.
Hull Wt. lbs./Gauge
G1650CS 15' 7" 36 1/4" 5 13 1/4" Standard 650/555 5 75 lbs. .050"

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Oak Orchard Canoe Kayak Experts. .
We reserve the right to change product specs, change colors, change prices OR correct errors at any time without notice.