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Wilderness Systems Kayak Rudder kit
The Course Control Rudder Kit fits Wilderness Systems kayaks such as Focus, Tarpon, Tsunami, Cape Lookout, Cape Horn and Pamlico kayaks.
This rudder kit fits many current models and previous models.
(If you need tubing for rudder cables; we have it in stock. Tubing is no longer included with Rudder kits since most models come with it already installed as of 2013.)
This kit may also be used on tandem models; the rear person controls the rudder using the rear footbraces only.
The all-new Course Control Rudder System includes many improvements and modifications over prior rudder systems, including material and design updates. The rudder blade is transitioning from aluminum to an injection-molded thermoplastic carbon-filled nylon for more durability and stiffness. The blade design has also been re-engineered to a contemporary foil-shape for better efficiency and less drag in the water. The stainless steel cable formerly in use has been replaced with a light-weight cord woven from Spectra. This material is as durable as steel, less inclined to binding, and connects to the rudder components without special tools. Operation adjustments have also been made to the rudder system to create a more comfortable and customizable experience for the paddler. Pivoting gas-pedal style foot braces with larger, more ergonomic foot pads will control rudder direction without sacrificing bracing ability in rough conditions. The rudder cord attaches directly to the pedals and the rudder is positioned by applying pressure to the top of each stationary pedal rather than by forward and aft movement of the pedal. Additionally, there are now three different routing points at the rudder head for customizing the sensitivity of the rudder movement. The amount of force required to operate the rudder differs based on the routing of the rudder control lines. The angle of the pedal in the neutral position can be adjusted with a cord tension knob on the foot rails. Other improvements include the addition of a self-lubricating axle that prevents over-tightening, and adjustability screw that allow the rudder to fit multiple deck angles.
New Wilderness Systems sit-on-top and sit-inside rudder version models will feature the Course Control Rudder Systems.
The included rudder pin can drop into the hole in the stern end of some models, such as the new Tsunami.
A bracket is included to hold the rudder pin for other models that have nuts molded into the stern end, such as older Tsunami, Tarpon or Pamlico.

The Wilderness Systems Course Control Rudder Kit is good for these models...
Tarpon (100, 120, 140, 160 or 160i.)
Tsunami (SP, 120, 125, 135, 140, 145, 160, 165 or 175.)
Pamlico (120, 140, 135T, 145T or 160T.)
Focus (145, 150 or 155.)
Cape Horn (140, 150 or 170.)
Cape Lookout (135, 145 or 155.)
and more.
Supplemental kit 8070028 can be added to the rudder kit in order to adapt for rudder use when a Pamlico tandem seat is slid into the solo position.

The Rudder Kit for Focus models is just for Focus (145, 150 or 155.) kayaks that already have factory installed tubing for the new rudder cables.
(If you need tubing for rudder cables; we have it in stock. Tubing is no longer included with Rudder kits since most models come with it already installed as of 2013.)

The Rudder Kit for Sit on Top models is just for newer Tarpon and others that already have factory installed tubing for the new rudder cables.
(If you need tubing for rudder cables; we have it in stock. Tubing is no longer included with Rudder kits since most models come with it already installed as of 2013.)

The XL Rudder Kit for solo models is just for newer Tsunami and others that already have factory installed tubing for the new rudder cables.
(If you need tubing for rudder cables; we have it in stock. Tubing is no longer included with Rudder kits since most models come with it already installed as of 2013.)

All these Wilderness Systems Rudder kits include instructions, rudder, new foot pedals, lines and hardware.

Specify rudder type below.
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$14.95 shipping & handling to 48 States
NY residents add 8% sales tax
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